Friday, February 18, 2011

Help Support GreenLeaf Farms

We all know and love Farmer Greg Brown of GreenLeaf Farms in Barnesville; you’ve seen his smiling face each Saturday for the past two Market seasons. Now he needs our help. His health condition has not only resulted in some very high medical bills, it's also taken him out of commission on the farm for a bit. One of the risks self-employed, sustainable farmers take to provide the rest of us with clean food is forgoing any sort of benefits package. So when the hard times hit, sometimes they hit very hard.

That's why we're hoping to raise money to help Farmer Greg keep GreenLeaf Farms. Whether you know Greg personally, have enjoyed his delicious produce, or simply want to make sure that sustainable farmers like him get the help they deserve when they need it most, please consider donating $10 or whatever you can. Join the 80 other supporters on the ChipIn site to donate!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


It’s February, y’all. Was one of your New Year’s resolutions to grow (figuratively) a little bit, perhaps? The old adage that “you are what you eat” has never been more prevalent and there’s never been a better way to grow than by empowering your mind and body. Get back to your roots and check out the 14th Annual Georgia Organics Conference & Expo “GO GROW!” Even if you’re unable to attend this March, you can still support the growth of Georgia’s own by making a donation to the farmer scholarship fund.

And if you can attend, you’re in for a great event, including the keynote speech from world-renowned advocate for organic agriculture and ecological prosperity, Vandana Shiva.

Taking place March 11-12 at Savannah’s International Trade & Convention Center, the two-day Georgia Organics conference is the largest sustainable agriculture event in the southeast.

- Jennifer Maley